
“I was quite sceptical about having counselling.  I really didn't believe it could help me.  Within a few minutes of meeting Katrina I felt relaxed and at ease with her.  She gently encouraged me to talk about my problems and she really seemed to understand me.  It was so nice to be listened to without someone criticising or judging me.  She helped me to look at things differently and to be easier on myself.  I feel so much better now - like a massive weight has been lifted.”
(Sue C)

“The words thank you don’t seem enough, but you have given me my life back, and without your help I don’t know where I would be today. I will not forget what you have done in my life”
(Domestic Abuse client)

“Dear Katrina, thank you for working with me. I feel like I have my life back and will take the skills forward. For the first time in a long time I feel positive about the future”
(Depression sufferer)

“Kat has a lovely way of making you feel at ease within minutes of walking into a very daunting place worrying what on earth you’re going to say or how you’re going to say it without getting upset”
(JT, Wolverhampton)

"I finally got round to doing something I should have done two years ago. I no longer have that sense of dread when the alarm goes off in the morning - I look forward to my day."
(FM, Midlands)

What you helped me do - where most others failed - was ask the right questions to help 'me' realise what 'I' wanted to do and what I was afraid of - and help me put that fear into my own perspective. Your coaching helped me to decide what 'I' wanted and find the confidence within myself to make the decisions I really wanted to make. So thanks!"
(LW, Manchester)

Being coached by Katrina is like having a door you didn’t even know existed being flung open for you."
(NH-S, Worcester)

"There is a world of difference between thinking about something and actually doing it. That is the difference a coach makes."
(MB, Bath)

"Katrina's "just do it" style of coaching blasted the obstacles and excuses away and enabled me to see the life I had dreamed of become a reality."
(RH, Walsall)

"You've proved flexible enough to respond to urgent needs for a fix to something serious. You've understood me in my battier moments. You have kept on challenging and making me look at things which I thought I had sorted, but once you ask the questions instead of me saying "that will do", then somehow the work actually gets done.
(JB, Birmingham)

"You have definitely been a great help to me over my decision to take voluntary redundancy. While many friends and family are happy to 'help', what they really do is try and tell you what 'they' think you should do - with the best of intentions!
(FD, Oxford)

"I think one of the biggest concerns any executive or professional has, when approaching a "life coach", is that they will have all the drive and achievement culture "coached" out of them, as they become "calmer, in touch with their feminine side", and decide to go and live in a tent in Stonehenge. What I like about you, is that you've done the things I aspire to, and succeeded at them"
(HM, Durham)